Architecture-Aware Synthesis of Phase Polynomials for NISQ Devices

Arianne Meijer-van de Griend
(Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd)
Ross Duncan
(Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd, University of Strathclyde)

We propose a new algorithm to synthesise quantum circuits for phase polynomials, which takes into account the qubit connectivity of the quantum computer. We focus on the architectures of currently available NISQ devices. Our algorithm generates circuits with a smaller CNOT depth than the algorithms currently used in Staq and tket, while improving the runtime with respect the former.

In Stefano Gogioso and Matty Hoban: Proceedings 19th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2022), Wolfson College, Oxford, UK, 27 June - 1 July 2022, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 394, pp. 116–140.
This paper was originally accepted as Submission 38 in QPL2020, but was not included in the proceedings because of a clerical error.
Published: 16th November 2023.

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